The Free On-line Aquaculture Dictionary

Amount of emulsified rotenone / cube derris required to kill fish in ponds

  Emulsified rotenone (ml) Cube Derris (oz)
Pond depth (m)
0.15 0.3 0.45 0.15 0.3 0.45
400 89 148 237 3 5 8
800 148 296 444 5 10 15
1000 178 355 533 6 12 18
1200 237 444 651 8 15 22
1600 296 592 858 10 20 29
2000 355 710 1066 12 24 36
2400 444 858 1302 15 29 44
3000 533 1066 1598 18 36 54

(Brown E.E. & Gratzek J.B.,1980)